Entec rolls out Project Fulcrum for Diageo in Australia

UK based MRO procurement and supply chain specialist Entec International has secured a three-year contract with alcoholic beverages giant Diageo to roll out its ‘Project Fulcrum’ service in Australia, following a successful implementation programme across Africa.

Project Fulcrum is Entec’s 3PMRO business model, which optimises MRO procurement, streamlines the global supply chain and right sizes spares inventory to support both demand and planned maintenance. Project Fulcrum saves costs, reduces carbon footprint, drives out administrative complexity, and returns cash to client businesses.

As part of Project Fulcrum in Australia, a dedicated Entec team will also be embedded on site at Diageo’s Huntingwood factory to manage the MRO processes.

Entec’s Chris Cullen is responsible for the global roll-out of Project Fulcrum; he says that the company is targeting significant savings for Diageo during the life of the contract.

Chris comments, “We are delighted to confirm the new contract, which has been awarded on the back of success for Project Fulcrum in other regions. A more global scope means that we will be able to support Diageo in mitigating the risk of escalating supply costs and extended delivery timescales by predicting and purchasing MRO requirements well ahead of needs, protecting their plants into the future.”

He adds, “Entec will also be ensuring that the Australian sites operate to Diageo’s global standards, working in collaboration with the Diageo team and building an aligned approach to the procurement processes Diageo is very engaged in the project, and we are working well together. Our support has enabled Diageo engineers to focus on their core activity, namely repair and maintenance of plant, while we pick up responsibility for procurement and spares management. Project Fulcrum has been implemented in short order and already a strong relationship has been established.”